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paint(Graphics) - Method in class ballwar.model.Ball
Paints the image of the ball onto a Graphics object using the current paint strategy.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class ballwar.model.BallModel
Tells the model to have all the balls to update their states and paint themselves onto the supplied Graphics object.
paint(Graphics, Ball) - Method in interface ballwar.model.IPaintStrategy
Paints the host onto the given Graphics context.
paint(Graphics, Ball) - Method in class ballwar.model.paint.ADecoratorPaintStrategy
Default behavior is to simply delegate to the decoree's paint method
paint(Graphics, Ball) - Method in class ballwar.model.paint.APaintStrategy
Paints on the given graphics context using the color, scale and direction provided by the host.
paint(Graphics, Ball) - Method in class ballwar.model.paint.BallPaintStrategy
Paints on the given graphics context using the color, scale and direction provided by the host.
paint(Graphics, Ball) - Method in class ballwar.model.paint.SquarePaintStrategy
Paints on the given graphics context using the color, scale and direction provided by the host.
paint(Graphics) - Method in interface ballwar.view.IBallCtrlAdapter
Requests that the model have all the balls paint themselves onto the given Graphics context and to update ther states.
paintCfg(Graphics, Ball) - Method in class ballwar.model.paint.APaintStrategy
Used for doing additional configurations.
paintCfg(Graphics, Ball) - Method in class ballwar.model.paint.BirdSheepImagePaintStrategy
Augments the inherited paint method to add flipping of the image to keep it upright.
paintCfg(Graphics, Ball) - Method in class ballwar.model.paint.NiceFishPaintStrategy
Override paintCfg to add the transform needed to keep the fish upright at all times.
paintStrats - Variable in class ballwar.model.paint.AnimatePaintStrategy
The paint strategies to cycle through
paintXfrm(Graphics, Ball, AffineTransform) - Method in interface ballwar.model.IPaintStrategy
Paints the host onto the given Graphics context.
paintXfrm(Graphics, Ball, AffineTransform) - Method in class ballwar.model.paint.ADecoratorPaintStrategy
Default behavior is to simply delegate to the decoree's paintXfrm method
paintXfrm(Graphics, Ball, AffineTransform) - Method in class ballwar.model.paint.AnimatePaintStrategy
Paints the currently indexed paint strategy on the given Graphics context using the supplied AffineTransform.
paintXfrm(Graphics, Ball, AffineTransform) - Method in class ballwar.model.paint.BallPaintStrategy
Paints a transformed circle, as per the given AffineTransform Uses color already set in Graphics context
paintXfrm(Graphics, Ball, AffineTransform) - Method in class ballwar.model.paint.FixedColorDecoratorPaintStrategy
paintXfrm(Graphics, Ball, AffineTransform) - Method in class ballwar.model.paint.ImagePaintStrategy
Draws the image on the given Graphics context using the given affine transform in combination with the local affine transform.
paintXfrm(Graphics, Ball, AffineTransform) - Method in class ballwar.model.paint.MultiPaintStrategy
Delegates to all the IPaintStrategies in the composite.
paintXfrm(Graphics, Ball, AffineTransform) - Method in class ballwar.model.paint.ShapePaintStrategy
Paints the shape on the given Graphics context using the supplied AffineTransform.
paintXfrm(Graphics, Ball, AffineTransform) - Method in class ballwar.model.paint.SquarePaintStrategy
Paints a transformed square, as per the given AffineTransform Uses color already set in Graphics context
pause() - Method in interface ballwar.view.IGameCtrlAdapter
Asks that the model pause the game.
poly - Variable in class ballwar.model.paint.shape.PolygonFactory
The Polygon shape to use as the prototype.
PolygonFactory - Class in ballwar.model.paint.shape
Concrete IShapeFactory that provides the invariant behavior to instantiate a Shape that is a Polygon.
PolygonFactory(AffineTransform, double, Point...) - Constructor for class ballwar.model.paint.shape.PolygonFactory
Constructor that uses an externally defined AffineTransform for internal use plus takes the defining points of the prototype Polygon and a scale factor to scale the given points to the desired unit size.
pstrats - Variable in class ballwar.model.paint.MultiPaintStrategy
The set of paint strategies to paint

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